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"亚洲校园"(CAMPUS Asia)
"亚洲校园"(CAMPUS Asia)全称为“亚洲大学学生交流集体行动计划”(Collective Action of Mobility Program of University Students in Asia),是中、日、韩三国政府主导实施,由韩国教育科学技术部、韩国大学教育协议会同中国教育部、日本文部科学省联合制定的。旨在通过三国高校间多种形式的交流项目促进三国合作及学生交流,为培养亚洲新一代杰出人才做贡献。 2016年11月,三国三校上报的“中日韩动漫国际合作课程”项目经过国际公开遴选、联合评审,入选“亚洲校园计划”。该合作课程包括Co-Work动画联合创作、动漫创作课程交流、大师课程、高层论坛等,并2017年起项目正式实施。CAMPUS Asia 是由17个项目团和40所大学参与的东亚代表性学生交流项目。其中,韩国艺术综合学校的动漫系、中国传媒大学和东京艺术大学是唯一艺术院校的联盟。
CAMPUS Asia International Cowork of Animation


  • 构建数字媒体时代的动漫与新教育
    • 在艺术与技术融合加速进行的数字媒体时代,动漫已脱离传统动漫的范畴,分化成多个领域。写实/非写实图像、声音、文本相结合的动画正在扩展到影像乃至游戏、模拟、教育、出版、展览、演出等多个领域
    • 动漫由传统艺术与先进技术细腻地结合而成,为培养未来的动画人才,需要涵盖造型艺术、人文学、媒体科技等全部领域的制作过程及方法论教育
  • 引领动漫教育的三所创新高校
    • 为培养不从属于现有动漫产业、可在多方面活跃发展的创新型创作者,韩国艺术综合学校、东京艺术大学和中国传媒大学在动漫制作与教育方面发挥着先导作用
    • 打着艺术与技术结合的口号,不断引进新媒体科技并开展相关教育,自2010年起,开始早期国际交流,致力于培养未来的全球领导者
  • 国际动漫合作与短期教育项目
    • 2010年,韩国艺术综合学校与东京艺术大学首次开展国际合作,自2012年起,中国传媒大学也开始加入合作行列,扩展为中日韩三国合作
    • 每年都会在三所大学中选出举办大学,参与学生组建三国联合小组,在动漫前期(Pre-Production)、核心制作(Main-Production)、后期制作(Post-Production)乃至成品上映等整个动漫制作过程中开展合作
    • 国际合作项目成在三所大学的正规课程,为期3-4个月,按各学校的正规课程学生授予学分
    • 参加短期交流项目的学生可通过新媒体科技与技法相关深化工作坊、媒体内容相关国际庆典参观、会议及论坛发言等活动进行制作与研究
  • CAMPUS Asia : Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia
    The CAMPUS Asia is a cross-border student mobility program among Korea, Japan, and China, initiated by the agreement of the Summit Meeting of Korea, Japan and China in 2010. The program aims to strengthen networks among academic institutions of higher education in Asia and promotes student exchanges through joint and double degree programs and exchange programs.
    8/14- 26, 2017 VR Workshop at K’ARTS
  • CAMPUS Asia : Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia
    The CAMPUS Asia is a cross-border student mobility program among Korea, Japan, and China, initiated by the agreement of the Summit Meeting of Korea, Japan and China in 2010. The program aims to strengthen networks among academic institutions of higher education in Asia and promotes student exchanges through joint and double degree programs and exchange programs.
    10/15-21, 2017 Game Workshop at GEIDAI
  • CAMPUS Asia : Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia
    The CAMPUS Asia is a cross-border student mobility program among Korea, Japan, and China, initiated by the agreement of the Summit Meeting of Korea, Japan and China in 2010. The program aims to strengthen networks among academic institutions of higher education in Asia and promotes student exchanges through joint and double degree programs and exchange programs.
    5/2-11, 2018 Co-work at CUC
  • CAMPUS Asia : Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia
    The CAMPUS Asia is a cross-border student mobility program among Korea, Japan, and China, initiated by the agreement of the Summit Meeting of Korea, Japan and China in 2010. The program aims to strengthen networks among academic institutions of higher education in Asia and promotes student exchanges through joint and double degree programs and exchange programs.
    Spring 2018 Exchange student class