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《Journal of Gifted Education in Arts》 Released
08. 01(Thu)
《Journal of Gifted Education in Arts》 Released

The Korea National Institute for the Gifted in Arts, un umbrella institution of the Korea National University of Arts, has launched Korea's only journal about educating the gifted in arts titled, Journal of Gifted Education in Arts. Above all, The Journal of Gifted Education in Artpursues discovering unique topics, issues and cases that encompass both arts education and education for the gifted in arts. It also aims to establish the unique discourse and artistic identity in education for the gifted in arts. 


There are five papers published in the first issue: “Analysis and Reflection on the Policy Practices and Research Situation of the Art Gifted Education" by Lee Mi-Kyung (Chonnam National University) and Kim Seong-hye (Korea National Institute for the Gifted in Arts), “Development of Courses for Educating the Gifted in Music in Direction of Increasing Their Creativity and Communication Skills” by Kim Sujin (State University of New York, Korea), “Discourse on Creativity and Art Education for Teenagers” by Seo Yoon-kyung (Korea National University of Arts), “Direction of Film Education Based on the Characteristics of Juvenile Film" by Oh Se-seob (Mokwon University), “Case Studies of Appreciation Classes of the Gifted in Visual Arts in Elementary School Applying VTS(Visual Thinking Strategies)” by Yoo Sojeong (Jeongdeok Elementary School). 

Journal of Gifted Education in Artwill be published twice a year, the end of every April and October. The second issue will be published on October 31st, 2019.